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Nhiều người phát biểu nghe phát mệt: chụp hình phải máy Full Frame, ống kính thì phải Leica, Zeiss này nọ thì chụp mới đẹp ?_? ăn gì ngu thế ? … hình đẹp và phần cứng là 2 cái khác nhau, ko đồng nhất với nhau, vả lại trên Internet người ta coi hình của các bác chỉ biết nó đẹp hay xấu, có hồn hay ko có hồn, có nghĩa hay ko có nghĩa chứ người ta làm sao biết các bác xài máy khỉ ho cò gáy gì? Thích ảnh đẹp thì cứ tập trung vào việc làm sao cho ảnh đẹp, đồ hiệu thì cũng có thể làm cho ảnh đẹp đấy nhưng sao ko nghĩ đến những thứ khác nhiều hơn: sáng tạo, kỹ thuật, trao dồi tâm hồn của mình để thấy những điều đẹp đẽ hơn, thậm chí học hậu kỳ cho giỏi thêm.
Và cũng quá nhiều người Xì tu bịch để mà hùa theo vài người chụp hình nổi tiếng nào đó?_? nổi tiếng và chụp ảnh đẹp lại là 2 chiện khác nhau ko phải cứ nổi tiếng là làm gì cũng đẹp và chụp hình gì cũng đẹp, và chưa hẳn cái việc nổi tiếng là do chụp hình đẹp, cá nhân mình thấy các bác nổi tiếng nhờ cặp với gái đẹp thì đúng hơn, người đẹp thì làm sao mà chụp ra xấu? Sao ko thử chụp người không đẹp thành người đẹp?
Nghệ thuật không có đúng hay sai, chỉ có đẹp hay xấu, đẹp hay xấu phụ thuộc vào trình độ nhận thức, tư duy của mỗi người. Bạn có hiểu được cái ngôn ngữ người ta dùng để nói với bạn thông qua tấm ảnh không?a

Macro photography: Understanding magnification

Photography, like any other art, demands both compelling content and expert technique to create a pleasing result. In my previous article, I discussed some of the aesthetic choices involved in creating a successful macro image. Technique, however, is an absolute must; it’s the artist’s tool to convey his artistic vision.

Nature, landscape and wildlife are some of the most technically challenging fields of photography, and macro photography comes with its own unique set of technical considerations. In this article I’ll be discussing one of the most important ones; magnification.

Photographer Allon Kira making sure his image is technically perfect.
For macro photographers this often requires a great deal of concentration and patience, but the results are well worth it.

Some of the greatest challenges in macro photography arise from the simple fact that we shoot from very close distances. Thus the magnification of our subject becomes of primary importance. The magnification ability of a given lens is stated in its specifications but in my experience, few photographers understand the meaning and implications of this designation.

To understand the concept of magnification, it’s worth taking a very brief look at how a photographic image is created. Every point in a given scene reflects light rays. The front element of the camera lens ‘captures’ these rays and then focuses them onto the imaging sensor, producing a projection of the scene at the location of the sensor.

This is a simplified diagram of the photographic process. Light rays reflected from an object pass through a lens, which then produces an image projection on the camera’s sensor.

Magnification – or more precisely, the magnification ratio – is simply the relationship between of the size of the (in-focus) subject’s projection on the imaging sensor and the subject’s size in reality. Perplexed? Here are some examples. Suppose that we’re photographing a small child, 1 meter in height. Imagine that the height of the child’s projection onto the sensor is 1cm. The magnification ratio is 1cm/100cm, or 1/100. Magnification is typically notated using a colon, so we write it as 1:100, and pronounce it, ‘one to one hundred’, meaning the child is 100 times larger in real life than its image as projected on the sensor. Similarly, if the subject is a 10cm long lizard, and its projection on the sensor is 2cm long, the magnification ratio is 2cm/10cm or 1:5. The lizard is five times larger in real life than its projection on the sensor.

When your subject(s) fills the frame with no cropping involved, it is easy to determine the magnification ratio from a captured image provided you know the size of your subject and the dimensions of your camera’s sensor, which can be found in the specifications section of the user manual.

Two thistle mantis (Blepharopsis mendica) nymphs, as positioned above are roughly 150mm across. The sensor on the camera is 22mm across. The magnification ratio is approximately 22mm/150mm, or 1:6.8. This dragonfly is about 60mm in width. Again, the sensor is 22mm wide, so the magnification ratio is 22mm/60mm, approximately 1:2.7.

We’ve seen in the examples above that sensor size can be used to calculate magnification, but the degree of magnification itself depends on focal length and subject distance exclusively (assuming that the lens is not used with any extenders or magnifying filters). Sensor size does not alter magnification. With a fixed focal length and subject distance, an APS-C sensor, for example would just crop the frame compared to a full-frame sensor, not enlarge it. Magnification is a property of the projection, regardless of the size of sensor (or film format) you are using. With a full frame sensor you’d just make calculations using 35mm as the sensor width instead of 22mm, but the subject would then be proportionally larger, cancelling out the sensor size difference.

Sensor size does have an effect on the image’s appearance though, a topic I will address in an upcoming article.

What happens if the subject is the same size in real life as its projection? If we shoot a 1cm fly and its projection on the sensor measures 1cm as well, the magnification is 1:1. The 1:1 ratio has an important meaning for macro enthusiasts. Technically speaking, macro photography means shooting at a magnification ratio of at least 1:1. Therefore, a ‘true’ macro lens has the ability to produce a magnification ratio of 1:1, or higher.

A small subject like this shield bug required approximately a 1:1 magnification.

At this point you may understandably ask, what’s so special about a macro lens? Surely one can take any old 50mm f/1.8 lens and just move it closer to your subject until you reach 1:1 magnification. The problem, however, is that a regular lens will not be able to focus at such close distances. A more specific definition of a macro lens, then, is one whose minimal focus distance is short enough to allow photography of a focused subject in 1:1 magnification.

Let me take this opportunity to point out that many lens makers employ a very liberal use of the term, and happily write ‘macro’ on a variety of zoom and prime lenses that are not capable of 1:1 magnifications. This is a sales tactic, and you can easily find so-called macro lenses that can only produce 1:4 or 1:3 magnification ratios. One can, of course, produce great results with such lenses, and it is often possible to achieve higher magnifications on these lenses with the use of optional accessories. When shopping for a macro lens, however, you’ll want to look carefully at the magnification specs; most ‘true’ macro lenses will actually have ‘macro 1:1’ prominently displayed on the barrel. That removes any ambiguity.

Once you have a macro lens, how do you accurately calculate its level of magnification at an arbitrary focus distance? The easiest way, by far, is to use a ruler, as shown in the examples below.
I photographed the ruler from a measured subject to sensor distance of approximately 65cm. Forty-four 1mm notches fill the entire width of the frame, thus the subject’s projected size is 44mm. The width of my camera’s sensor is 22mm. It follows then that for this lens, the magnification ratio achieved at this focal distance is 22mm/44mm, or 1:2.
In this image I moved the camera closer so that now thirty-three 1mm notches are visible in the frame. This 22mm/33mm relationship yields a magnification ratio of 1:1.5.
Finally, by moving the camera even closer, twenty-two 1mm notches are visible in the frame. As you’d expect, 22mm/22mm equals a 1:1 magnification ratio.

I should point out that with a regular macro lens, 1:1 magnification is achievable only at the very closest focus distance. Using a longer focus distance necessarily means the magnification will be lower. Indeed, for a fixed focal length, magnification is inversely related to subject distance. This relationship isn’t linear, i.e. if I get a 1:4 magnification from a shooting distance of 40 cm, I won’t necessarily get a magnification of 1:2 (twice that) from a shooting distance of 20cm. However, getting closer will always result in a larger magnification and vice versa, meaning that for our purposes we can use the terms magnification and proximity somewhat interchangeably.

Some subjects are so tiny they need extreme magnifications. This close-up portrait of a robber fly required a whopping 4:1 magnification ratio, meaning that the image projected on my camera’s sensor was 4x larger than the fly itself.

There are cases (such as the image above) where we wish to shoot at magnifications greater than 1:1. These so-called ‘extreme-macro’ magnifications are possible using special lenses or other equipment, and I’ll discuss how that’s done in a future article.

Understanding Electric Readings-Watts, Amps, Volts, & Ohms

Understanding Electric Readings-Watts, Amps, Volts, & Ohms

Watts, amps, volts, and ohms; what does it all mean? You don’t have to be an electrician to understand these terms. Electrical readings often mirror that of a simple comparison to your garden hose. How is that? Like a garden hose, electrical wiring has something running through it but instead, the substance is electricity instead of water.
Understanding basic electrical readings will help you comprehend how much heating capacity your electric fireplace will actually provide. Each of these readings is directly related to heating capacity.

Electric Readings - Watts, volts, amps, and Ohms

Source: E of Dreams
Editors Note: You can skip down to the bottom if you want sift through the technical jargon for a simple answer.

Basic Electric Formulas

Basic Electric Formulas

Here are the Basic Electric Formulas.


Watts means power.  An easy way to understand wattage is by plugging your finger into the end of a garden hose. You didn’t increase the amount of water flowing through the hose so why then, would the water flow at a higher rate and have a higher force? Since you reduced the size of the hole (gauge of the electrical wire), you increased the pressure (or voltage). This action propagates the substance at higher rates.
An increase in power is attributed to an increase in wattage. You’ll often see this reading on stereo systems, fans, microwaves, and just about anything that uses electricity. Watts are a measurement of electrical power (P). Power is equivalent to voltage times current. For the mathematicians out there: P = V x I
Current is a quantity that measures the volume of electrical flow between two pointsand is measured using amperage. Current is measured in amperage or “amps” for short.Amps measure the amount of electricity being used. Referring back to the garden hose analogy, amperage would be akin to the number of gallons of water was pumped through the water spout.
Current is abbreviated with the letter “I” not to be confused with “L.” Current is calculated using the formula created by Ohm’s Law: I = V/r. This can be read, “current is equal to voltage divided by resistance.”


Using our garden hose analogy, the voltage of electricity is akin to the pressure in a garden hose. Imagine a 1 inch hose with a little bit of water flowing through it. Twist the faucet open and you have a stream of water that creates pressure inside the hose. Similarly, the voltage of an electrical wire is determined by factors such as the size of the wire (gauge) and resistance (covered in the next section). Simply put, voltage tells you how much force is being exerted relevant to the wire.

Voltage Meter or Voltometer

A voltage meter or voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.
Voltage is important because an overload (sending too much power through an undersized wire) can lead to blown fuses and tripped fuse panels. This is one of the trouble spots that can cause electric fireplaces to fail. Voltage is an actual measurement. Voltage is equal to current times resistance. V = I x r

Ohm’s ?

Watts, amps, and voltage all culminate into Ohm’s, a measure of resistance. Ohm’s Lawuses these 3 mathematical equations to demonstrate the relationship between electric voltage, current, and resistance. Resistance is measured in Ohm’s using the formula R = V/I. This is read as Resistance = Voltage divided by Current. Ohm’s law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points.
This is important because different types of metal carry different types of resistance because of their inherent physical properties. For this reason, certain metals prove to be better conductors and transmit electricity easily.

Most Conductive Metals

Here you can see the inside of different types of metal. Silver offers the least resistance but copper is a close second and is the most popular choice. Source:
Generally speaking, silver is the least resistive metal however, it has a high density. For this reason, most wiring uses copper or gold which has a lower density-resistivity level. If you’re really bored, you can check out tis table for a full list of resistivity of different types of metals.

Simplified Version for those Who are too Lazy to Read or Want the Short Answer

  • Amps measure the amount of electricity being used.
  • Voltage measure the pressure (or force) of electricity.
  • Wattage is a measure of electrical power.
  • Ohm’s measures the resistance between two points. The thicker the gauge of wire is, the more electrical current flow through from point A to point B.

Applying it in Real Life

So how does all of this translate into the warm air coming from your electric fireplace? Electricity is used to generate heat from an electric unit. The amount of electricity that can flow through your electric fireplace is directly relevant to BTU output. BTU is an abbreviation for British Thermal Units and is used to measure heat and cooling output for heaters and air conditioning units. Check out this post to learn how BTU’s work. Likewise, you can use this BTU calculator to determine how many BTU’s your home needs.
When it comes to electric fireplaces, the saying holds true; looks don’t mean everything. It’s important to understand how electric readings translate to heating efficiency. You can find details and specifications on all of the latest models from top brands like DimplexHolly & Martin, and Real Flame right here on Portable
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